System Architecture Design

Consider the overall effect of design decisions, performance and security to implement the right solution architecture until achieve the desired result. Make sure structure and relationship between various modules of system development process run smoothly.


  1. Involves the actual operation or use of the product. 
  2. To detect and find errors in the product.
  3. To discover and eliminate bugs.
  4. To identify the correctness, completeness, security and quality of software.
  5. Done to demonstrate that the software is doing what it is supposed to do as well as the software is not doing what it is not supposed to do.
  6. To locate defects and make sure that they get fixed.

Operation and Maintenance Engineer

Have to be fixed at the earliest when a site/equipment issue at any time. Assist in developing, implementing and documenting automated computer programs, and other advanced analysis methods, to allow for comprehensive monitoring of operational performance of the transmission system and detection of transmission system problems.

Customer Service & Support

Assist client in making cost effective and correct use of a product. Employees in our company will work on having a deep knowledge of how product works so that can easily solve the problems meet by our client. Strong communication and work flexible hours that may include early mornings, evenings, weekends, nights and/or holidays.